Week Thirty
Seeing how I didn't do myself the favor of staying in bed over the weekend, I stayed home sick today. I have this really dry cough (sound like a dog), a slight fever, and an eye that won't stop crying. Don't worry guys, I'll be better by Friday when you're here.
So, since I stayed home, I got to see multiple episodes of The Twilight Zone. This one featured a very young Denis Hopper as an American post-WWII neo-nazi that "has a hunger that craves for a greatness in his diet". I think the episode was called He Still Lives. To satiate his hunger he gets Hitler's ghost as a mentor. The episode ended with telling words by the narrator stating that while hate exists so does the spirit of those who before us have acted on and lived off of hate. Raising them back from the dead so to speak. Now that's good TV.
We were so close to AC and seeing how I'd never been I agreed to be a trooper and tag along. New sites, new pictures, gotta at least do it once so you know what it's like. I was feeling slightly shittier with my cold and being in a room with countless machines chiming in at once (chiming is not quite right, it's more like a hypnotized lull induced by meds) wasn't quite the best thing I could have done to myself. Again, I was being a trooper. I took this at Cesar's. There were a few other good ones, especially of the boardwalk and the sea, but I have this thing for lines and light. In other news, I don't see myself going back to AC, even when I'm better. Maybe I needed to be drunk. It wasn't as depressing or terrible as I though it would be (these are all adults right) but there was definitely a lot of gaudiness and I did feel pretty dirty on the way out. Meg was the only one who really gambled (Jason did a slot and won 15c). It was funny because Jason was her "cooler". She would loose when he was around and win the minute he walked away from us.
We went to the Jersey shore for the first time this weekend --Brigantine beach to be exact. Megan's parents have a shore house there and she was kind enough to invite us. Sadly, it was way to windy to sit out and watch the waves come and go. It didn't help that I was starting to come down with something. I was trying to capture this tumultuous environment and came up with this (otherwise I would have posted one of my hair going crazy in all different directions but you know how self-conscious I am about self portraits).
This was a pleasant surprise when I uploaded it to my computer. At first, when I took it on Hamilton walk on my way back home, I didn't think it would be this vibrant since the light just wasn't quite right seeing that it was already later in the afternoon. Then again, we are getting more light this time of year. No complaints there. One more to attest to my love of green. I think I could stare at this one for a while longer...
We get lots of candies at work. If you ever want to see sweets disappear in a matter of minutes, this is the place to be. These guys just look so bright sitting there I had to take a picture.
At first it was the tandem bike that caught my attention. Then it was the fact that it was a Shwinn and that there were lines and shadows dissecting it. But finally, it was the vacuum that convinced me.
I don't know quite how to start for this one. It's a quote from one of my coworkers that resulted from a previous discussion of an incident on the news. He felt so strongly about it that he thought it would be funny/assertive to put it down in writing. I don't quite think it's funny but rather telling of an underlining symptom that is more prevalent than I would like to know. He (along with others) believes it to be so shameful for a man to be raped by another man, that death or never confessing to it are the only options. Death preferred over silence, silence over claim. More importantly, no man in his right mind would allow another to commit such a crime against him. This leads to thoughts of what exactly makes a man and the idea of a double standard when it comes to the victimization of the male gender. Sadly, I need this picture to remind me that homophobia, bigotry, and misogyny are still very much alive, even in the "educated" world.
1 comment:
I miss candy like that in Germany. I love themulti-colored licorice bits.
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