Saturday, May 26, 2007

Hair Helmet Night

One of my guilty pleasures (besides shoes, yarn, books, and so on) is HBO.
Every time I tell myself to cancel my subscription something else keeps me hooked. First it was Carnivale (that died out terribly), then the cathartic genius of David Miltch's Deadwood (also dead but one of the best written shows on tv ever). Now it's Six Feet Under "on demand" and soon it'll be Flight of the Conchords.

This show is like the live action version of Home Movies on Adult Swim. Random. But instead of movies it's music, hilarious music. You can watch the whole first episode here so you see for yourself what I'm talking about. Granted, this humor is not for everyone. If you like to see silly (New Zealand) boys acting out, you'll love it as much as I do.

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