Thursday, February 16, 2006

Now I'm floored

While waiting for Jason to pick me up from work I figuered I had some time to look through an aquaintance's, who'll remain unnamed, wedding registry. Maybe I would be able to get them something to help them start off on their newly wedded life. When I saw this I was just plain and simple pissed off. The nerve of some people! How the hell do you justify having a china coffe pot worth +$200? Or a single wine glass costing $45, much less eight of them? How do you live in a house where everything is so on the verge of costing me my next paycheck? To make matters worse She has another registry at another retailer with more stuff. In total she, I should say they but I know it's she, registered for 4 different place settings, each for 8 sets. How many fucking plates do two people need...and don't give me that it's for ever heirloom bullshit -- they're plates! I thought writting this would be cathartic but I'm just getting more and more frustrated that someone would... ah fuck it.


Alia in Wonderland said...

Its not me! I don't have the balls to register for suff like that. Just want anyone reading it to know it is not me being talked about!

va*les*ka said...

No It's not you, but did you see she's copying you're chocolate brown + robin egg blue combo?
Sorry, I know it's catty.
No, actually I'm not sorry.

Alia in Wonderland said...

I saw. I am still trying to figure out what one might do with all those plates. Open a diner? Insane!

Superjosh said...

3 things:

1) While nameless in the post, clicking on the links is - well - somewhat illuminating.

2) WHAT?!?!?!

3) It's too bad you can't register for class. Well, I guess you can register for class, in the academic sense. But that's not what I mean.

Anonymous said...

u can take the ho out of 8th street, but u can't take the 8th street out da ho