Monday, February 05, 2007

It's Official

We're going to San Francisco on Jason's Spring Break!
I'm mostly looking forward to spending some time in the warmth (9 degrees is not cool) of the west coat while exploring wine country. Oh yeah, and Derek too.
Just shoot me if I ever call it Frisco.


Alia in Wonderland said...

Oh lucky, lucky you. We get to do nothing for Josh's spring break. No trips. No fun things. I've always wanted to go back to San Fran. You will have so much fun! Lucky!

va*les*ka said...

When is his Spring Break? Can you take time off? We should plan something...

Superjosh said...

My break runs March 2-11, and Alia's mom will be in town for the beginning of that, so we need to stay in town for that. Other than that, we're more or less free.