Monday, January 30, 2006

Con las Manos en la Masa (I Got Caught)

This weekend I walked in on Jason surveying my Blog for the first time. Considering It's been almost two months since I defiantly spoke of him, it's not so bad. What was bad was his opinion on blogging in general. It was almost to the point of showing utter disgust by reading our entries and comments in a mocking high pitch voice. All our witt and worry out the window. He was also a bit insulted by the computer phobia comment; I guess the truth hurts.
Oh, Jason. You take life too seriously sometimes. And I love you for it....

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

The Day to Day Absurd

These are a few things that on their own don't merit a blog entry but are worthy of noting:

  • I saw a billboard for Bambi II. My question , logically, is WHY? Why must the evil magic kingdom continue to pollute the celluloid world? Isn't one movie enough? Must all their movies have sequels? The most comical part of the billboard was the description: "A Father's love. A Son's Courage".
  • Have you noticed when you go to whole foods you can guarantee counting at least three patrons clad in a pair of thick rimmed glasses? I wonder if the thickness is proportional to anything. The thicker your glasses the ...(I'll leave that one for you Josh)
  • With the increasing wind the days in Philly haven't been particularly great. In attempts to lower our heating bill we decided to weather proof our apartment. Who have we become? It's a little ridiculous to shrink wrap your windows but amazingly it makes a difference.
  • A coworker informed me that she plays a video game with her children where the evil villain is named Valeska. Quote: "She's such a great villain too".

Monday, January 23, 2006

The Boy Crisis

So the tables have turned and everyone is having a hissy fit. For the past couple of years girls are outperforming and outsmarting boys in school, especially in standardized tests. Boys are twice as likely to be diagnosed with a learning disorder, twice as likely to be in a special ed program, more likely to repeat a grade and more prone to drop out of school. Newsweek and the Today show both stated their growing concern for the poor boys getting left behind. Some of the reasons they attribute this trend to are: being fatherless, living in poverty, slower brain development, lack of good role models, and traditional learning techniques which are not compatible for the boy brain (such as sitting down and learning). Boys are active creatures that need a physical task in order to learn. How they've survived through such hardships for so long is unexplained. Brain development is beyond their control but being fatherless and living in poverty affects girls just as much. Beyond the aging Gloria Steinem, girls aren't particularly blessed with a bounty of good role models either. So maybe there is something else. Maybe it's that for the past 30 years the educational opportunities for girls have changed. Maybe it's that when girls are given equal footing they prove to be more apt for the learning environment. It's not that boys are getting dumber than girls, it's just that now girls have equal access and are being instilled to value what for boys has always been there.

Friday, January 06, 2006

To be 6 years old again...

If it means going to the ER, crying in pain, because of an ear infection than no thanks!
Miami was great. Among the great things I did was spend copious amounts of time with my grandmother, who unfortunately had a terrible flu. Thinking I was too young and healthy to even be bothered by the thought of being sick I did not heed her request of staying away for my own good. Such pride. The 18+ hr car drive back to the cold wasn't as bad as I thought it could have been but being sick sure made it miserable. Since I've been back to Philly, I haven't stepped out of my apartment or my PJs (except for the ER incident and the occasional shower -- one thing is to be sick another to be stinky). Hopefully the end is near.