Sunday, December 04, 2005

Jason's going to kill me

Overnight we got our first glimpse of snow this year. Everything is so quiet and peaceful after it snows. The only bad part is when you have to try and go about your normal day. It looks pretty but it sure doesn't feel right under your shoes. I'm always terrified of slipping.
In other news, I informed Jason of my newly acquired blogging tendencies. He was very disappointed in me. To the point of calling a narcissistic egomaniac. Alia, you're a bad influence. He forbade me from mentioning him or even alluding to him on my blog. So, of course, as the perfect wife that I am, I'm boldly disregarding his request -- that's what you do when such silly requests are made. I'm OK for now since he hasn't even expressed interest in looking at my blog, much less going out of his way to find it online. I blame his fear of technology.

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