Thursday, March 15, 2007

I can't make up my mind

Kyoto Kimono
Originally uploaded by imix_kib.

I can ususally get it down to two but then have the hardest time making it to one.
Will you help?
Pictured here is the Kyoto Kimono I made a couple of years ago and saddly never wear. It looks weird on me -- the common predicament of most sweaters.
So, I've decided to frog it and use the yarn for either the Anthropologie Capelet or Ribena w/o the arms. Let me know what you think.


Alia in Wonderland said...

i like the capelet better but you just made one. the ribena isn't bad either. really I am of no help. sorry.

Michelle said...

i vote capelet! its sad that the sweater looks funny. its so pretty to look at....