Monday, January 15, 2007

A Few Great Things Out There

I.Loop (my favorite yarn store) is on Blogger @

II.Best movie this year, without a doubt, is El Laberinto del Fauno (Pan's labyrinth).

Guillermo Del Toro truly out did himself with this one. Alongside the plot and the acting, the soundtrack is awesome and I really like that they interposed green and red for Ophelia's character (my favorite contrasting colors, often used in film).

III.Last night the premier of Extras (
2nd season) was incredibly funny. I love what they did with Orlando Bloom. Just another reason why it's worth it to have HBO. I'm pretty sure the 1st season is out on DVD. I really hope this first episode is just a taste of what's to come.

IV.The Shins new album -- Wincing the Night Away -- comes out on the 23rd of this month.

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