Thursday, April 27, 2006

Extra! Extra! Read all about it...

So it turns out Josh and Alia aren't the only recently converted to emoism (just check out their blogs for evidence). Yesterday Jason admitted that he's joined the herd by default. He just recently discovered The Smiths in their full glory of the queen is dead. He likes them so much I think he listens to them every day now -- maybe it's just a phase. In my mind that doesn't make you emo and definitely not indie but what do I know. Anyway, I told him of Morissey's claims to celibacy and his remark was: "That's so emo". Knowing there was no way he could backpedal out of that one he said he thought that was cool and that maybe he should become celibate as well and emo by default.
Honestly, I think he's just using the celibate/emo card as a way into playing hard to get.

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