Monday, August 21, 2006

America & the 1955 House Wife

A friend from work sent me this article as a joke. With the one year anniversary of the Katrina disaster around the corner and all the dredged up shit with Iraq (not to mention all the other issues we must try to convince our simple minds to understand/ignore) I can't help but think that politically our nation is a GOOD WIFE WHO ALWAYS KNOWS HER PLACE. How dare you America to question your master's judgement and his fair and truthful will?
I just finished watching acts I &II of Spike Lee's "When the Levees Broke: A Requiem in Four Acts." Can you tell I'm upset?

Friday, August 04, 2006

What do you do with Carrot Argyle Socks from JCrew?

Make a sock monkey of course! What? You thought they should be worn?
I know he's missing a mouth but everytime I make him one he looks really silly (er).